Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bringing Christmas Cheer to the Apartment

Last Monday night instead of going to FHE my roommates and I decided we needed to bring a little bit more Christmas Cheer to our apartment. Heather had moved out a couple of weeks before and took some of the decorations so our place was looking quite  bare. Mandie,Tiffany, and I went to Wal Mart and bought these cute things for our place. I made the wreath and my vision of having the ornaments hanging from the ceiling to the side fell into place perfectly. Mandie decorated the door which I think turned out so cute! We love the way it turned out and we even joke that we just might have to leave the inside decorations up till February. We will see if that happens though!

Monday, October 15, 2012

There is no place like home!

 Call me a baby but...... When you feel like this......

There really is no place like home. I have been sick the last few days with a bad head cold. Sinuses, sore throat, the whole 9 yards.  I have spent the last few days cooped up at my mom's house. I tried to stay at my apartments but I don't care how old you are you will always want your Mom when you are sick!  

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday Thoughts!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Living the Good Life!

Birthday Dinner at Kabuki!

Well Guys! Here I am 21 Years old and loving life. I turned 21 almost 2 weeks ago and I can say that I am the happiest I have been in a very long time. 

I am living in an apartment complex up by campus and have the greatest roommates ever! I live with Heather, Mandie, and Tiffany and we always have the greatest times! It is so fun to have people just to go grab dinner with or to laugh at the stupidest jokes! I can say that I have finally had the "moving out experience" I have always wanted and I love it!

My Ward is fantastic I have become more active in the church than I have in a long time and I can say that I know this is one reason I have had such a change in happiness. I go to church every Sunday (all 3 hours), ward prayer, and FHE. I have the greatest ward and my Bishopric is so amazing. It is so fun to go to a ward where you feel so welcome. I have also made some very good friends in my ward which makes it fun to go to as well. I also love how you meet a new person every Sunday it is never boring in my ward

I am still working on the Setup Team at Conservice and I can say that I truly love my job. I love the people I work with and the client contact as well. It is so fun to work at a place like Conservice where they treat their employee's so well. We all get along great and it makes the time fly by which is great!

My family - Well my family is amazing and I am blessed to have them in my life. From my parents, my siblings, my nephew(soon to be nephew's) my grandparents, and the aunts, uncles , and cousins they always make me feel so special and loved.  They are so wonderful and they always give me a reason to smile.

Over all 21 does not feel much different. Yes, I am "legal" but the only thing that has changed is my attitude and take on life. I have to remember life is too short to sweat the small stuff and everything happens for a reason. Heavenly Father has a plan for each and every one of us and while pain and heartache might hurt at first in the end it will be worth it. People come and go out of your life for certain reasons but in the end trials make you stronger. I hope this year will only continue to get better.

My Tate and Kaycie on my Birthday!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer Memories!

As Summer is starting to come to an end so are the things that were on my Summer Bucket List. One of the things that was on my bucket list was to go to a Drive In Movie. I have never been to a drive in movie and I have always wanted to go to one! One day at work one of my guy friends asked me to go down to see Ice Age 4 and Brave with some of his friends at the Drive In in Ogden, Of course I said yes! It was so fun with all of us piled in the bed of the truck with mattresses and blankets. We had quite the setup with pizzas and drinks in the bed of the truck. That is the way to go see a movie if I dare say so myself.

I am not going to lie. Brave was the second movie we watched that night and I don't remember a single thing. In Croft fashion I fell asleep. Surprise, Surprise!

Ice Age on the other hand was hilarious... it had us all laughing the whole time. Some of the funnier quotes were these ones right here:

Diego: "I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't eat, I can't sleep..."
Manny: "Oh, I know what you've got. The L word."
Sid: "Yeah, leprosy."
Manny: "No, its four letters, starts with L -- ends with E..."
Sid: "Oh yeah, lice!"
Manny: "No!"

Peaches: "So tell me when exactly will I be allowed to hang out with boys?"
Manny: "When I'm three days, just to make sure I'm dead."

Sid: "When I die find me a wife and tell her I love her."

Ice Age 4 was defiantly worth seeing. I would recommend it.

Some other things that were on my bucket list which I have completed are:

1): Hiking the Windcaves(again): We went and hiked the Windcaves again one Friday night and I have to say it was much easier doing it the 2nd time then it was the first. We went with a group of friends and it was a blast!

2): Go Fishing: I have always wanted to learn how to fly fish a river and so did my friend from work. We had decided since the very beginning of the Summer that we were going to add it to the bucket list and a few weeks ago we finally went. We went up Logan Canyon just us for about a half an hour. I ended up catching something at 2nd dam first cast on my fly rod. I had to laugh because I always talk so much smack to him about fishing and I think we were both surprised I caught one so soon. The second half of our fishing adventure my dad the fly fishing pro came up and showed us his tricks. It was so much fun to have my dad up there teaching us something he loves to do. My friend and my dad were talking up a storm and it was so fun to see him so excited about learning something new. The very last cast of the night my friend finally caught a fish. I think he was very relieved that he caught one. He couldn't be showed up by a girl for Heaven Sakes!

3): Water Ski: For those of you who really know me know that I am terrified beyond belief of water. I am so terrified I have a mini anxiety attack before getting on the tube and to fathom water skiing is ten times worse. I have water skii'd before but when it comes to me thinking about doing it again I always panic. One time up at Oneida this Summer I decided I was going to do it because it was on my bucket list. I ended up getting in the water and I would get up and then fall. I ended up going for a little bit then would sit my bum down. I don't care if I didn't go a long ways this time. It was just an accomplishment that no matter how many times I fell I got back up again and tried again. It also helped that I had the best cheerleaders in the boat including Kaycie who always had the biggest smile on her face.

These are some of my Summer Memories! I would post my Colorado Fishing Trip to Grandpa's next time!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Summer Bucket List

Towards the beginning of the summer I made a new friend and we became pretty close real fast. He is someone who I can talk to about anything and who I can always have the best time with. We were talking about things we wanted to this summer and it kind of turned into a summer bucket list type of thing. Well one of the first items on my summer bucket list was to hike the Wind Caves up Logan Canyon. He has hiked them before and said that is is much funner and cooler(weather wise) to do it night. One Friday after work he came and picked me up and we met up with one of his friends and his date. We went to dinner at Fredrico's and headed up the canyon at made it to the trail head around 9. We hiked and it was pretty dark by the time we actually made it to the wind caves. We sat up there talked, watched the stars, and made some great memories! I am so glad I got to hike up to the wind caves and cross one item off of my list. I am even more glad I got to do it with him!

I wish I would have taken pictures on my camera. But for those of you who haven't been there here is a picture of what the wind caves look like! I am hoping that I can blog more about more of the other items on my Summer Bucket List. Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Out with the old... in with the new!!!

Yesterday was a pretty big day for me. I traded in my Grand Am for a new car! Ensign Toyota and Honda was having a very good deal with anything you could bring in they would give you atleast $2,000 dollars. I took my car in and they gave me a good amount of money so I could get a new one! I ended up with an '08 Saturn Astra with very low mileage and I got a very good deal on it! My dad is a cosigner with me but I will be making all the payments. I am super happy with the car I got and I feel like it is another step to adult hood! I feel like I am ready for the change and that I am responsible enough to start making car payments! I decided I was treating myself to an early 21st Birthday Present!

Bye Bye Grand Am!

I give it a thumbs up, I couldn't be happier!

Hello Astra!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Never Look back...

"Never look back. If Cinderella went back to pick up her shoe she wouldn't have become a princess."- Unknown

Monday, May 21, 2012

Things to remember....

I just have quotes some people close to me have said to me recently and I just want to put them here so I remember...

1: Last night was my little brother Kade's birthday. He turned 8 and being the big sister I am I was trying to tease him. I said Kade do you think any girls are cute? He looked right at me and said "Yep, my big sister Kenzie!" It melt my heart so much I love that (not so)little boy.

2: This one is from last night also. I asked Kade what his favorite part of his birthday was and just like any other 8 year old I thought he would say getting his nerf gun or water ski's but he once again surprised me and said, " That my big brothers and sister came to play with me." Okay what a sweetheart right?

3: This last one was on Mother's Day as I was leaving my Grandma Thomson's house. I think my Grandma was able to tell that I have been down a little bit recently and as I went to leave she said "You need to love yourself because you have every reason to." It meant alot to me and that is something I always want to remember.

It is the little things in life that can make the biggest difference.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Kaycie!!

Two years ago today my baby sister Kaycie was born. Little did I know how much I would fall in love her. Over the past two years Kaycie has found her way into a special place in my heart that only a little sister can fill. I was her nanny for the first year and spent quite a bit of time with her while Dad and Jenn worked. Everyday we spent together we just got closer and closer. I am so thankful I had that opportunity with her just to do the little things like bath her, sing to her, and read her stories. I am 18 years older then her and don't live at home so I don't get the opportunity to see her everyday. Which is hard but when I do go out to see her nothing brightens my day more then her running up to me with a big smile on her face.

I know most people don't understand how I can call a two year old one of my best friends but Kaycie is the person I go to when I need a smile on my face. She is the biggest hoot and her sassy personality can always cheer me up when I am in a bad mood. I am so thankful that she is in my life and I don't know what I would do without her! I truly am blessed.

Happy Birthday Kaycie! I love you!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Just a friendly reminder...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

All I can say is....

Wednesday... You cannot be here soon enough...

I will be headed here for Spring Break 2012!
Bring on FRIENDS,FUN, and the SUN!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Wow, what can I say. My life has drastically changed since January 18. For those of you who do not know I quit Famous Footwear after nearly four years. It got to the point where it was time for me to move on. I was so sick of working Nights, Holidays, and Weekends and I have been there since I was 17. I wasn't truly happy. Plus being the store manager a Quik Check it is my responsibility to put everything I can into that store and working 60 hours a week with sometimes not a day off in two weeks was rough!
I am not going to lie it was harder leaving Famous then I thought it would be.. Before I quit I may or may not have bought 6 pairs of shoes with my discount and I also might have shed a few tears but I am so ready for the next chapter as cheesy as that sounds. I am looking forward to going to night time Nail Tech school over in Brigham and even more then school I am looking forward to spending time with my family and friends and not missing out on the important things in life!
Here's to changes and happiness!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolutions!

Yes, I am still here! I know it has been a while but I just am so busy with work that I never take the time to just sit down and blog! Well today is the start of the big New Year 2012! I have never been the one to have any New Year's Resolutions but I figure if I were going to choose a year to start it might as well be now. I need to post them somewhere where I wont lose them so this is one of those posts that is pretty much just for me but if you would like to go right on ahead and read on!

1: I want 2012 to be a healthy year. In all ways that there are to be healthy. Mental, Physically, and emotionally. I want to get into shape and by getting into shape I don't mean losing weight I just want to tone-up a bit, eat healthy and get a happy body! This might also be pretty ambitious but I kind of want to run a race not a marathon or anything we will start small with a 5k and maybe if it goes well we will try a Half Marathon by September!

2: Church- I really need to take the time to focus on church and make it one of my priorities. I want to go more often, pay my tithing, read my scriptures and get my patriarchal blessing.

3: Education: I want to finish my education and become a licensed Nail Technician. I also want to complete Hunter's Safety and get my blue card.

4: I am going to learn to put myself first. Sometimes I do not do this and I let people walk all over me. I am going to do the things that are right for Kenzie and not worry about anyone else. I know this might sound selfish but if you are my family or know the situation I am in right now it would make complete and total sense. I also might learn to use the word "No" more often! :)

5: I want to date only guys who will treat me the way I know I deserve to be treated. Which means they will make me their priority not just an option. :) I know this might sound kind of lame but guys these days... Where are all the good ones? All my married friends out there be grateful you found a good one! Seems like these days there are very few of them.

6: Continue to build a strong relationship with my family! :)

Well these seem easy enough to accomplish right? I guess we will see next year... unless the Mayan's were right!