Sunday, January 29, 2012


Wow, what can I say. My life has drastically changed since January 18. For those of you who do not know I quit Famous Footwear after nearly four years. It got to the point where it was time for me to move on. I was so sick of working Nights, Holidays, and Weekends and I have been there since I was 17. I wasn't truly happy. Plus being the store manager a Quik Check it is my responsibility to put everything I can into that store and working 60 hours a week with sometimes not a day off in two weeks was rough!
I am not going to lie it was harder leaving Famous then I thought it would be.. Before I quit I may or may not have bought 6 pairs of shoes with my discount and I also might have shed a few tears but I am so ready for the next chapter as cheesy as that sounds. I am looking forward to going to night time Nail Tech school over in Brigham and even more then school I am looking forward to spending time with my family and friends and not missing out on the important things in life!
Here's to changes and happiness!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolutions!

Yes, I am still here! I know it has been a while but I just am so busy with work that I never take the time to just sit down and blog! Well today is the start of the big New Year 2012! I have never been the one to have any New Year's Resolutions but I figure if I were going to choose a year to start it might as well be now. I need to post them somewhere where I wont lose them so this is one of those posts that is pretty much just for me but if you would like to go right on ahead and read on!

1: I want 2012 to be a healthy year. In all ways that there are to be healthy. Mental, Physically, and emotionally. I want to get into shape and by getting into shape I don't mean losing weight I just want to tone-up a bit, eat healthy and get a happy body! This might also be pretty ambitious but I kind of want to run a race not a marathon or anything we will start small with a 5k and maybe if it goes well we will try a Half Marathon by September!

2: Church- I really need to take the time to focus on church and make it one of my priorities. I want to go more often, pay my tithing, read my scriptures and get my patriarchal blessing.

3: Education: I want to finish my education and become a licensed Nail Technician. I also want to complete Hunter's Safety and get my blue card.

4: I am going to learn to put myself first. Sometimes I do not do this and I let people walk all over me. I am going to do the things that are right for Kenzie and not worry about anyone else. I know this might sound selfish but if you are my family or know the situation I am in right now it would make complete and total sense. I also might learn to use the word "No" more often! :)

5: I want to date only guys who will treat me the way I know I deserve to be treated. Which means they will make me their priority not just an option. :) I know this might sound kind of lame but guys these days... Where are all the good ones? All my married friends out there be grateful you found a good one! Seems like these days there are very few of them.

6: Continue to build a strong relationship with my family! :)

Well these seem easy enough to accomplish right? I guess we will see next year... unless the Mayan's were right!