Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My New Life Motto!

I was browsing the web one day at work and came across this quote that fits me perfectly. I seriously think that I need to get this framed and put it in my room to keep me thinking positive and looking on the bright side of things! I hope that this can help someone as much as it helped me.

"Just because today was terrible doesn't mean tomorrow wont be the best day of your life."

I just need to remember that if you can take a deep breath and hold on 'till tomorrow that there is a possibility it could be one of the best days of your life!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

So You Think You Can Dance Tour!

Last night was the night that the So You Think You Can Dance Tour came to Utah. It is always tradition to do a girls night out with Jenn, Alyson, and this year my aunt Mandy got to come too! We left Logan early enough to stop at The Cheesecake Factory to eat and get some of their famous Red Velvet Cheesecake. If you have not had it it is to die for!
I am not going to lie I was a little disappointed in the tour this year! Maybe its because I didn't really have a connection with any of the dancers like I have in years past! There was no crowd interaction I mean the dancers didn't introduce themselves and there was no talking! Just dance to dance! The first half of the show about put all of us to sleep! It was all ballroom! After the intermission was when the good stuff started! We were perfectly happy after the intermission and how things turned out! Although they left out some of the most famous dances from this season! It was such a girls night out and a great break from so much work! Thanks Jenn, Mandy, and Alyson for all the laughs an the fun!!!

Anything Red Velvet is too die for!

Yes, they really did leave out this dance!!!!!

All us Girls Ready For A Good Time!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Nightmare on 13th Street!!!

Last night I went on a date to Nightmare 13th Street and to say the least I was freaking out! I am one of those people who does not do well with scary anything so this was a big step for me. The whole drive down to Salt Lake I had the eerie feeling in my stomach and has soon we got there it was even worse. Luckily I had a a great group of people making me laugh the whole time we were waiting in line trying to calm my nerves and when we got in it wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be... also the fact that I had a cute boy to hang on to helped quite a bit! Here are some pictures enjoy!

Freddy the Scary Guy is separating me and my date.. his name is Jason! :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Rant of the Day!

If I ask you for some specific shoes or clothing that I know for a fact you have borrowed and you say that you don't have them. Next time be smart enough not to post pictures of you wearing them on Facebook.

Now I know why my mother never liked me sharing clothes. =)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Place of My Own!

Well the last time I blogged was when I had just barely made the decision to move out. Now it has been about a month and I am on my own and absolutely loving it. I still take my laundry to my mom because its a good excuse to be able to see her and well.. we all know she is the laundry queen. I took some pictures to do a little virtual tour. Don't mind the messes of the bad quality pictures I took them on my cell phone. We have girls moving in and moving out this week and I am not fully moved in.. thats why my clothes are still in laundry baskets! Here you go!

This is my bed.. sloppily made but atleast it is made! I love the bedding Tj Maxx special..
Some of the rest of my room.
Main bath
Half Bath
Kitchen/Laundry room. Haha
Kitchen/Dining room
Living Room

Well there is my cute little place! I love it so much!

Colorado 2011

Well our yearly trip to Leadville to visit Grandpa Croft has came to an end and I just wanted to share some of my pictures! I love going to Leadville it is so much fun and relaxing to be able to be out in the Belly Boat catching fish. This year was extra fun because I got to use my new pink fly rod my dad built me for Christmas! Don't get me wrong.. I love fishing but I also love the day we spend in Silverthorne shopping at the outlets. I have to keep to my girly side somehow right?

Here's my super cute get-up. Super fashionable right? At least the rod is pink. Next on my list.. Pink fishing vest.

Fishy face
Sisters- I love her! No fishing for her yet although she is a great cheerleader.
My boys- Love them to death.
Dad and Me- Love this pic!
I'm guessing one got a away or my line was tangled... Story of my life!
Wahooo!!! I got one on.

This was too cute not to share! Her crossed ankles.. with her twinkle toes and her sniffing her blanket like she has since she was born. Totally melts my heart.
Start of a long drive home.. Kade, Cooper, and me in front of the Ski Cooper sign.
Good Bye Leadville see you Summer of 2012!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I'm growing up!

So much has happened in the last month or even week that I can officially say I'm growing up!
I started my second job at Quik Check this week and I can say that I have been pretty darn busy between working there and at Famous. I sometimes work twelve hour days leaving my house at 9 and not getting home till 9 at night It is a little bit hard but the extra money is going to be great and I will have money to pay for RENT!

Yes, I did it! I never thought the day would happen but I am moving out! Things really just fell into place for me. One of my really good friends was talking about how she was looking for a new roommate because hers was moving out so I asked her about it and it just felt perfect for me, cheap rent, fun people, and I would have my own room! Even better!

Friday and Saturday I spent shopping for things I would need for my room and that's when it hit me that it was really going to happen. I mean you can talk about things all you want but when you finally become proactive about it that's when it seems real!

I am super excited to see what the next year of me being on my own brings to the table. I don't know who's going to have a harder time me or my mom. I am really going to miss her but I think it is something I need to do for me right now.. make new friends and just have the experience of being out on my own.

I am moving in in the next week or two and will post pictures when I am all settled! :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Shout out to the Laundry Queen!

I totally stole this picture from Sara's blog but when I first saw it, it reminded me of my mother. My mom it known as the "Laundry Queen" in our house. I don't know what it is about her but she is honestly the best at doing laundry, our clothes are always so soft, they always smell so good, and she can get any stain out.

True story about the smell good part.. One night my Mom and I went to Wendy's to pick up a Frosty after she had been doing laundry and the girl at the drive-thru took a breath and said "You guys smell so good, it must be your clothes." We just looked at each other and kind of laughed. Everyone always comments on how good our clothes smell so that wasn't anything different.

I don't know what I'm going to do when I am on my own. Hopefully one day I will be able master doing laundry as good as her although there are going to be some days I'm going to have to give it to my mother she'll know what to do!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Colby to the Rescue!

Tuesday was going to be a good day I just just knew it. I was meeting up with Alyson for lunch, we were going to go shopping, and then that evening I had an interview with Bishop Wootton about getting my Patriarchal Blessing Recommend!

Well the day did start off great we met at Rumbi for lunch, then after we hopped into Alyson's car and headed for the mall! I had one mission in mind and that was to find me some new church clothes since I have started going to my YSA Ward. Don't get me wrong I do have church clothes but all of them are black.. black is good for winter but wearing black in summer makes me feel like I am headed for a funeral.

We ended up finding me some skirts at Head Over Heels and realized it was 4:30 and needed to head back home so Al could have enough time to make it to the Temple by 5:30 because my cousin Riley was going through before leaving on his mission. Al dropped me off at my car at Rumbi and went on her way because she was in a hurry. As I was backing out I knew something was terribly wrong with my car it felt like something was dragging underneath it. I pulled into the next parking stall and got out to see what was wrong and my tire was flat! How does a tire go flat that fast?

I tried calling my Mom with no answer, I called my Dad(he couldn't leave work), I called Andy(he is the one to always answer his phone) but he couldn't help because of needed to go to the temple, and then I called Colby(I didn't think he was home from work yet)and he was coming to my rescue!

Long story short Colby came to my rescue changed my tire and put my spare on well my spare didn't have any air in but we decided I was okay to drive across the street to Les Schwab and have them look at it. The guy at Les Schwab looked at my tire and told me I had a hole right in the center which was weird and that he doesn't see it very often! He fixed my tire for free and before it I was on my way home with enough time to spare to get ready for my interview.

It was honestly so weird how such a perfect day could go wrong like that I mean I was doing everything I should have been doing buying church clothes, going to a Bishops interview, and Andy and Alyson were going to the Temple. It was the first time that I had realized Satan was trying to bring me down and stop me from doing the things that I should be doing.. but after a little prayer my Heavenly Father helped me through.

***Sorry that my pictures are out of order and there are probably plenty of grammatical errors.. I had this typed up and done perfectly then a computer glitch happened and I had to start over without any patience!

Is it just me or is this obscene?

I mean seriously look at the size of that thing!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Isn't this the sweetest picture?

I just love this baby so much!

For those of you who know me I have always enjoyed being the only girl! I was quite used to and comfortable being the only girl in the middle of 4 boys! When I found out Jenn was pregnant again I was just sure it was going to be a girl.. I threw a fit and cried for days saying that I didn't want a little sister. Secretly it was because I knew I wouldn't be "Daddy's Little Girl" anymore.

Well long story short when Kaycie Lin was born on April 30, 2010 my whole world changed and the minute I met her about ten minutes after she was born I instantly fell in love and to this day I love her more and more! I honestly don't know where I would be without this baby girl in my life she recently just turned one and it breaks my heart to think how big she is getting, but at the same time I can't wait to see what kind of young woman she grows up to be!

I want Kaycie to know how much I love her and even though I'm a whole 18 Years older then her I will be there to support her in everything she does and I want her to know that when she gets bigger and is going through her teenage years(not for a long time) and has problems with her friends that her big sister will be here to help her through it! Kaycie I love you so much and I am so glad you came into my life I hope I can set a great example to you and be someone you look up to as you grow up. I love you so much babygirl!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Good Heavens Look Whos Turning Seven!

(I stole this pic off of Jenn's facebook so it's cell phone quality but it is the birthday pic of Kade)

My sweet loving little brother Kade is the Birthday Boy and he is 7 years old today! It seems like just yesterday he was born! For those of you who know Kade he is always wanting to help in anyway that he can and is always the one to make you feel better after having a bad day! He always comes up to me and gives me the best hugs!

Kade is in first grade this year and is so good at school, he is also really good at soccer too!

I am so proud of him!

Happy Birthday Kade! Your big sister Loves you!!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Kissin' Cows!

Isn't this the cutest thing?

Photo From Tates trip to the farm!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Dress

The dress I wore for Easter this year has a little bit of background behind it. A year ago I was looking at this dress on the Forever21 website almost every single day and I couldn't decide if I wanted to buy it or not after much thought I decided not to. Well last year when Katie and I took our trip to L.A. to visit Morgan we went into the Forever 21 at the Beverley Center. We went in looked around and couldn't find anything we liked so we left, a while later we decided to go back in and of course this dress was hanging on a wall in an area we hadn't even looked at yet. I knew I had to buy it and this dress was the only one in my size with the belt still on it(I think people stole them off the rest). I bought it and was the happiest girl ever.

Well fast forward a year later and it was still hanging in my closet tags still on it. I loved the dress but just didn't get around to find something to wear with it to make it more modest. I had tried on many dresses for Easter and found a few I liked but just couldn't fork out $70 for a dress that I could get at Forever 21 for $20! I remembered I had this dress in my closet and with a little bit of help from my mom buying the cute under shirt and the sandals... I finally wore my favorite dress on Easter Sunday... not too bad for $34 right?

Tate looked pretty handsome too!

Had to share...

These pictures of me and my cutle little man! I was headed up the canyon to a bonfire with a few of my friends and Tayten had to give his Auntie "Ken" some loves to make sure everyone knows he is the #1 man in my life! Gotta love him!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

He loves me...

and I love him... Tayten is getting so big and is finally starting to "like" me.. Part of it is when he comes over on Tuesdays and Thursdays I am never home and am always working! He finally says my name "Ken" and will give me loves and kisses! I am one happy Auntie Kenz!

Friday, February 25, 2011

I may or may not have....

Ordered this cute thing! Wahoo!! I love it and I was a little bit of a bargain shopper and got a coupon for 25% off!! Its a super cute spring summer bag and I am so excited!!!