Sunday, June 26, 2011

I'm growing up!

So much has happened in the last month or even week that I can officially say I'm growing up!
I started my second job at Quik Check this week and I can say that I have been pretty darn busy between working there and at Famous. I sometimes work twelve hour days leaving my house at 9 and not getting home till 9 at night It is a little bit hard but the extra money is going to be great and I will have money to pay for RENT!

Yes, I did it! I never thought the day would happen but I am moving out! Things really just fell into place for me. One of my really good friends was talking about how she was looking for a new roommate because hers was moving out so I asked her about it and it just felt perfect for me, cheap rent, fun people, and I would have my own room! Even better!

Friday and Saturday I spent shopping for things I would need for my room and that's when it hit me that it was really going to happen. I mean you can talk about things all you want but when you finally become proactive about it that's when it seems real!

I am super excited to see what the next year of me being on my own brings to the table. I don't know who's going to have a harder time me or my mom. I am really going to miss her but I think it is something I need to do for me right now.. make new friends and just have the experience of being out on my own.

I am moving in in the next week or two and will post pictures when I am all settled! :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Shout out to the Laundry Queen!

I totally stole this picture from Sara's blog but when I first saw it, it reminded me of my mother. My mom it known as the "Laundry Queen" in our house. I don't know what it is about her but she is honestly the best at doing laundry, our clothes are always so soft, they always smell so good, and she can get any stain out.

True story about the smell good part.. One night my Mom and I went to Wendy's to pick up a Frosty after she had been doing laundry and the girl at the drive-thru took a breath and said "You guys smell so good, it must be your clothes." We just looked at each other and kind of laughed. Everyone always comments on how good our clothes smell so that wasn't anything different.

I don't know what I'm going to do when I am on my own. Hopefully one day I will be able master doing laundry as good as her although there are going to be some days I'm going to have to give it to my mother she'll know what to do!