I have to take a minute to brag about how great my little brother Kade is at soccer! Between his first four games Kade had already scored 14 goals! He is quite the player and is never tired enough to sit out. I can't believe that he is already going to be 6 it is crazy! He is also going to be playing T-Ball this summer! I can't wait to go to his and Cooper's games! I am so proud of you Kade-o Potato!
Cooper is amazing also! He doesn't play soccer but he is quite the little Karate Ninja! He loves it so much and is always looking forward to going each week. He is almost an orange belt! I went and watched him the other night but forgot to take pictures(my bad)! He always remembers to bow when entering and leaving the room and he is quite the good listener! He is going to be 8 in June and it kind of creeps me out he always says "Kenzie I am almost as tall as you!" which is true someday soon he is going to be towering over me and I will be his "little sister!"
I love my little brothers and I don't know what I would do without them! They are the most loving and caring little boys I have ever seen! I am so proud of them and cannot wait to see what they accomplish over the years! I am also excited for my little sister Kaycie Lin who should be coming anytime soon! I will keep you posted!