On the 26 of May I will be graduating from Mountain Crest High School. It is a day that seemed so far away for such a long time, and now that it's here it doesn't seem real. Over my high school career I have grown up and matured more then I ever thought I would. This year has been one of the most life changing years for me. I was only at Mountain Crest the beginning of the year and then I started almost full time at B.A.T.C Cosmetology(which I love!!). I stopped hanging out with
a lot of my old friends and have made many new ones. I feel like
I'm so much older and more mature then the high school girls and I'm over all the drama. I have started hanging out with different friends and I have realized that family is the best friend a girl could have. They are there for you though everything and will always help you through your trials. I am so thankful that I have the family I do! Everyone always says "One day you're going to wish you could go back to
high school." But I really don't think I will. I am so excited to close this chapter on my life and see what the future holds!
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