Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer Memories!

As Summer is starting to come to an end so are the things that were on my Summer Bucket List. One of the things that was on my bucket list was to go to a Drive In Movie. I have never been to a drive in movie and I have always wanted to go to one! One day at work one of my guy friends asked me to go down to see Ice Age 4 and Brave with some of his friends at the Drive In in Ogden, Of course I said yes! It was so fun with all of us piled in the bed of the truck with mattresses and blankets. We had quite the setup with pizzas and drinks in the bed of the truck. That is the way to go see a movie if I dare say so myself.

I am not going to lie. Brave was the second movie we watched that night and I don't remember a single thing. In Croft fashion I fell asleep. Surprise, Surprise!

Ice Age on the other hand was hilarious... it had us all laughing the whole time. Some of the funnier quotes were these ones right here:

Diego: "I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't eat, I can't sleep..."
Manny: "Oh, I know what you've got. The L word."
Sid: "Yeah, leprosy."
Manny: "No, its four letters, starts with L -- ends with E..."
Sid: "Oh yeah, lice!"
Manny: "No!"

Peaches: "So tell me when exactly will I be allowed to hang out with boys?"
Manny: "When I'm three days, just to make sure I'm dead."

Sid: "When I die find me a wife and tell her I love her."

Ice Age 4 was defiantly worth seeing. I would recommend it.

Some other things that were on my bucket list which I have completed are:

1): Hiking the Windcaves(again): We went and hiked the Windcaves again one Friday night and I have to say it was much easier doing it the 2nd time then it was the first. We went with a group of friends and it was a blast!

2): Go Fishing: I have always wanted to learn how to fly fish a river and so did my friend from work. We had decided since the very beginning of the Summer that we were going to add it to the bucket list and a few weeks ago we finally went. We went up Logan Canyon just us for about a half an hour. I ended up catching something at 2nd dam first cast on my fly rod. I had to laugh because I always talk so much smack to him about fishing and I think we were both surprised I caught one so soon. The second half of our fishing adventure my dad the fly fishing pro came up and showed us his tricks. It was so much fun to have my dad up there teaching us something he loves to do. My friend and my dad were talking up a storm and it was so fun to see him so excited about learning something new. The very last cast of the night my friend finally caught a fish. I think he was very relieved that he caught one. He couldn't be showed up by a girl for Heaven Sakes!

3): Water Ski: For those of you who really know me know that I am terrified beyond belief of water. I am so terrified I have a mini anxiety attack before getting on the tube and to fathom water skiing is ten times worse. I have water skii'd before but when it comes to me thinking about doing it again I always panic. One time up at Oneida this Summer I decided I was going to do it because it was on my bucket list. I ended up getting in the water and I would get up and then fall. I ended up going for a little bit then would sit my bum down. I don't care if I didn't go a long ways this time. It was just an accomplishment that no matter how many times I fell I got back up again and tried again. It also helped that I had the best cheerleaders in the boat including Kaycie who always had the biggest smile on her face.

These are some of my Summer Memories! I would post my Colorado Fishing Trip to Grandpa's next time!


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