Sunday, June 9, 2013

Kickin' off the Summer!

Well since the last time I did a post quite a bit has changed. Tiffany's farewell was Memorial Day weekend and it was a blast! My mom,  Jason, and grandparents went down to Kamas with me for her farewell. My grandparents decided to come because Tiff has spent so much time with our family they claim her as one of their own. We went the day before and got a hotel in Park City for the night. I rode with my grandparents and enjoyed spending so much time with just them before we met up with my Mom and Jason.  We went to dinner, the outlets, main street, and ended the night with ice cream.  The next day we drove to Kamas which is such a little town by Park City and listened to Tiff's talk. She did so well and is going to make such an amazing missionary. Tiff entered the MTC June 5th and I can't wait to hear about her adventures! 

Tiffany and I 

Mandie, Tiffany, and myself.

Tiff's "Logan Family"

Another thing that happened recently was Colby, Andy, Alyson, and I decided to run the Color Vibe 5K. We were all ready to run it when the day before I burnt my foot on my hair straightener! I have never seen a blister that hurt as bad and was as big as the one of my foot. I didn't think there was any way I was going to be able to put my foot in a shoe and run the thing. I decided to tough it out and wrapped and bandaged it and ended up finishing. I was so proud of my self that I pushed myself and finished with that raw spot on the top of my foot. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to bond and have the time of my life with my siblings!

Before the Fun

What a great way to start off the Summer, I can't wait for the other adventures that are going to come my way!


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